I must make a big deal out of this because it is unlike much of the pedestrian pabulum that main-stream commercial radio forces us to listen to on a daily basis from which I joyfully rebel. Additionally, because her bio made a point of highlighting it, she is only 17 years old. What is remarkable here is that most of the kids in my classroom aren’t listening to anything this original and probably with one or two exceptions, probably wouldn’t be able to or even want to consider making anything so beautiful.

She plays most if not all of her own instruments here, but she comes from musical roots so that shouldn’t surprise anyone, but those instruments aren’t overplayed and just present enough to allow her voice to soar over all, creating an ethereal and magical atmosphere of musical beauty. She is based in Los Angeles, and I fully expect more creative brilliance to evolve from her artistic imagination in the future.

And as soon as everything returns to some semblance of normality, I’d live to see Woolsey in a small venue captivating everyone in the place. 

RadioMike, 1 March 2021


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