(Released in 2017, Remastered in November, 2020) Charles Cudd, the guitarist, and I were set to do an interview when I still lived in Atlanta about ten years ago, when his then band broke up. His new project, with four equally contributing and talented members, is, In The Next Life. I was able to sit down and watch a rehearsal when I visited New York City in late January of this year, and an interview from that meeting resulted that I will post in short order.

K.A.R.M.A.is an album that reveals a multi-layered effort that conjures elements of hard progressive jazz, some nuanced grunge rock, and heavy melodic metal paired with vocals that hint at a lived life, nuanced and not uncomplicated. Several months ago, Cudd posted a video of one song from the album, These Wolves Eyes. I found myself listening to the track several times. It’s probably the most radio friendly track without landing into the accursed territory of “commercial radio-ready” that I will occasionally preach to the few souls that will still listen to my sermons on the pathetic state of commercial radio for the few masses that still subject themselves to such unusual self-flagellation. “These Wolves Eyes” is in fact a track that would not be out of place on Berkeley’s KALX or Seattle’s KEXP. That favored track of mine, like most on the album is dark but will leave you with the promise of hopeful release, in this world or the next.

The Fevered Brain, 21 December 2020

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