Joie Blaney has retired his former project, Joie Dead Blonde Girlfriend. While occasionally enlisting a few additional players to round out his sound, it was primarily an extremely powerful one-man-band. Moving to Los Angeles about ten years ago more or less, Joie fought like hell to thrive as we all do in a new place and he has done very well for himself, establishing and exercising his musical chops like I always expected him to do when I first encountered his musical cyclone in New York City.

This time around, he has joined forces, almost in the same vein as a group of ne’er do wells joining forces to battle a nefarious demi-demon atop a downtown skyscraper. Listening to their tracks, I have no doubt that they could do it, too. But they are only here to assist us in our own emotional catharsis and healing. The results are powerful and electrifying. I must also add that each member of this band has either battled their own demons or earned their chops the hard way in one arena of the music business or the other.

You can reach them via the embed above or you can find more information, music, videos, and merch at:

RadioMike, 1 March 2021

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